

Your trust is very important to us and we are aware of the importance of your personal information to us. In light of this, Service Provider (or "we") have established this Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as "this Policy / this Privacy Policy").

This Policy relates to the service that you use and the various business functions included in that service (collectively, "our products and/or services"). Before using our products and/or services, please read this Policy carefully and thoroughly understand it, especially the terms highlighted in bold/underlined, which you should read it carefully and use the products or services after you have confirmed that you fully understand and agree to it. By using our products and/or services, you acknowledge that you have fully understood and agreed to this policy.

In order to bring you a better experience with our products and services, we are continuously working to improve our technology, and we may introduce new or optimized features from time to time, which may require the collection and use of new personal information or change the purpose or manner of use of personal information. In this regard, we will separately explain to you the purpose, scope and use of the corresponding information by updating this policy, pop-up windows, page prompts, etc., and provide you with the means to choose your own consent, and collect and use it after obtaining your express consent. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions about the content of this policy, you can contact us through online customer service.

Part I Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy section will help you understand the following.

  1. How we collect and use your personal information
  2. How we use cookies and similar technologies
  3. How we share, transfer and publicly disclose your personal information
  4. How we protect your personal information
  5. How we store your personal information
  6. How you manage your personal information
  7. How we handle personal information of minors
  8. How to update this privacy policy
  9. How to contact us
  10. How we collect and use your personal information

When you use our products and/or services, we collect and use your personal information based on the following scenarios.

(1) To achieve the functions necessary for the promotion

(2) User registration

In order to register as a user and use our services, you will need to provide your cell phone number, your intended account name and password, and we will send you a verification code to verify your identity. After you have registered, you can continue to improve your real name, ID number, cell phone number, contact email and other personal information in your account.

(3) Real name authentication

To ensure that we are serving you personally, we may verify your identity against your account information. You may provide us with the appropriate identification information (ID card, passport, family register and other identification information) to complete the verification process.

(4) To show you information about our products/services

In the course of your use of our services, we may automatically collect and store web log information about your usage in order to identify abnormal account status, understand product suitability, and provide you with more relevant page displays and search results, including:

Device Information: We receive and record information about the device you are using, including device model, operating system version, unique device identifier (IMEI/Mac/android ID/IDFA/OPENUDID/GUID, SIM card IMSI information) and other hardware and software characteristics, and the location of the device, based on your specific actions during access and/or use. Related information (including your authorized GPS location and sensor information such as WLAN access points, Bluetooth and base stations).

Service log information: When you use the products or services provided by our website or client, we automatically collect details of your use of our services, which are kept as relevant web logs. For example, the content of your search queries, IP address, type of browser, telecommunication carrier, language used, date and time of access and records of the web pages you visit.

Please note that information such as equipment information and equipment operation information alone is information that cannot identify a specific natural person. If we combine such non-personal information with other information for the purpose of identifying a specific natural person or use it in combination with personal information, such non-personal information will be treated as personal information during the period of combined use, and we will anonymize and de-identify such information unless we obtain your authorization or unless otherwise required by law or regulation.

If you have questions or objections about the personalized product or service information (if any) you have received, you may contact us at the contact information listed at the beginning of this Agreement.

(5) Help you complete order placement and order management

When you order specific goods and/or services from our products and/or services, we will generate an order for you to purchase those goods and/or services through our system. In the process of placing an order, you are required to provide at least your consignee's name, delivery address, and consignee's contact telephone number, and the order will contain information about the goods and/or services you have purchased, the specific order number, the time the order was created, the amount you should pay, and we collect this information to help you complete the transaction smoothly, to protect your transaction security, to check the order information, to provide customer service and after-sales service, and for other purposes we expressly informed purposes.

You may order goods and/or services for another person through the Platform, and you will be required to provide the aforementioned personal information of the actual person ordering.

In order for you to understand the order information and to manage the order information, we will collect the order information generated by you in the process of using our services for display to you and to facilitate your management of the order.

(6) Help to show you the delivery status of goods or services

In order for us to keep you informed of and confirm the progress and status of deliveries and to provide you with after-sales and dispute resolution services, you agree that we may collect information about the progress of deliveries from logistics-related service providers.

(7) Help you to withdraw your balance

When the balance in your account reaches the withdraw-able amount, you can withdraw your balance by providing your name, ID card number, bank card number, issuing bank, and bank card region.

(8) the functions necessary to safeguard the security of transactions

To improve the security of our systems when you use our products and/or services, to more accurately prevent phishing scams and to protect account security, we may determine the risk of your account by knowing your browsing information, order information, device information (including MAC address), and may record links that we consider risky ("URL "); we may also collect information about your device to analyze system problems, count traffic and identify possible risks, and check for abnormal messages if you choose to send them to us.

(9) To provide you with other additional services

In order to provide you with more convenient and better services and to strive to enhance your experience, we may collect and use your personal information in the following additional services that we provide to you. If you do not provide this information, it will not affect your use of the basic services, but you may not be able to get the user experience that these additional services bring to you. You can check the status of these permissions on an item-by-item basis in your device settings and can decide for yourself whether to turn them on or off at any time.

Please note that by turning on any of the permissions, you authorize us to collect and use the relevant personal information to provide you with the corresponding services, and by turning off any of the permissions, you cancel your authorization, and we will no longer collect and use the relevant personal information based on the corresponding permissions, nor will we be able to provide you with the services corresponding to the permissions. However, your decision to turn off the permission will not affect the collection and use of information based on your authorization.

In order to protect your rights, we display the relevant operating system permissions that may be applied and used by the product through the following list, and you can manage the relevant permissions according to your actual needs.

In the case that you share or receive shared content, short links, etc., we may need to access your clipboard and read the password, share code, links contained therein to implement features or services such as automatic jumping, password jumping, sharing, etc.

(10) Other rules for the collection and use of personal information

10.1 If the information that you provide contains personal information of other users, you need to ensure that you have obtained legal authorization before providing us with such personal information.

10.2 If we use your personal information for purposes other than those stated in this policy, or if we use information collected for a specific purpose for other purposes, or if we obtain your personal information from a third party on our own initiative, we will obtain your prior consent.

If we obtain your information indirectly from a third party, we will explicitly request the third party in writing to collect personal information after obtaining your consent in accordance with the law and inform you of the content of the information shared, and those involving sensitive information need to be explicitly confirmed by you before they are provided to us for use, and require the third party to make a commitment to the legality and compliance of the source of personal information, and if the third party has violated the act If the third party has violated the law, we will explicitly ask the other party to bear the corresponding legal responsibility; at the same time, our professional security team will carry out security reinforcement of personal information (including sensitive information reporting, encrypted storage of sensitive information, access rights control, etc.). We will use no less than the same protection means and measures as we do for our own users' personal information to protect the personal information indirectly obtained.

10.3 Exceptions for obtaining authorized consent

You fully understand and agree that your authorized consent is not required for us to collect and use your personal information and that we may not respond to your requests for correction/correction, deletion, cancellation, withdrawal of consent, or request for information when.

related to national security and national defense security.

related to public safety, public health, and significant public interest.

related to crime investigation, prosecution, trial and sentence enforcement and other judicial or administrative law enforcement.

For the purpose of safeguarding your or other individuals' life, property, and other significant legal rights and interests but where it is difficult to obtain your consent.

Personal information that you disclose to the public at your own discretion.

Those that collect personal information from legitimate public disclosures, such as legitimate news reports, government information disclosure and other channels.

As necessary to enter into and perform the relevant agreement or other written document with you.

Necessary for maintaining the safe and stable operation of the products and/or services provided, such as the detection and disposal of product and/or service failures.

Necessary for legitimate journalism.

When an academic research institution conducts statistical or academic research necessary in the public interest and provides the results of academic research or descriptions to the public, the personal information contained in the results is de-identified.

Other circumstances specified in laws and regulations.

Please be aware that, in accordance with applicable law, if we take technical and other necessary measures to process personal information in such a way that the recipient of the data cannot re-identify a specific individual and cannot recover it, or if we may de-identify the information collected for research, statistical analysis and forecasting purposes, for the purpose of improving the content and layout of the Platform, to support products or services for business decisions, and to improve our products and services, then such processed data may be used without separate notice to you and without your consent.

  1. How we use cookies and similar technologies

(1) Cookies

To ensure that the Site works efficiently and effectively and to make your visit easier, we may store information on your computer or mobile device: these may be cookies, Flash cookies, or other local storage provided by your browser or associated applications (collectively, "cookies").

Please understand that some of our services are only available through the use of cookies. You may modify your acceptance of cookies or refuse our cookies if your browser or browser add-on service allows it, but refusing our cookies may in some cases affect your ability to access the Site and use the services we provide safely.

You may modify your acceptance of cookies or reject our cookies if your browser or browser add-on service allows you to do so, but if you do so, it may in some cases affect your ability to access our site securely and may require you to change your user settings each time you visit our site.

(2) Web beacons and pixel tags

In addition to cookies, we use other similar technologies on our website, such as web beacons and pixel tags. For example, an email we send you may contain a link to an address that links to content on our site, and if you click on that link, we track that click to help us understand your product or service preferences so that we can proactively improve our customer service experience. A web beacon is typically a transparent image embedded in a website or email. With the help of pixel tags in emails, we can tell if an email has been opened. If you do not want your activity to be tracked in this way, you can unsubscribe from our mailing list at any time.

  1. How we share, transfer and publicly disclose your personal information

(1) Sharing

We will not share your personal information with any company, organization or individual outside of Chengdu Pairuo Import & Export Trading Co.

1.1 Sharing with explicit consent: We will share your personal information with other parties after obtaining your explicit consent.

1.2 Sharing under legal circumstances: We may share your personal information to the public in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations, the need for litigation dispute resolution, or as requested by administrative or judicial authorities in accordance with the law.

1.3 Sharing under your active choice: When you purchase goods or services through the platform, we will share the necessary information related to the transaction in your order information to the provider of the relevant goods or services according to your choice, in order to realize your transaction and after-sales service needs.

1.4 Sharing with Affiliates: Your personal information may be shared with our affiliates in order to facilitate our joint provision of services to you based on the affiliated account, to identify abnormalities in the member's account, or to protect the personal and property safety of affiliates or other users or the public from infringement. We will only share personal information that is necessary and subject to the purposes stated in this Privacy Policy, and will seek your authorized consent again if we share your personally sensitive information or if our affiliates change the purposes for which personal information is used and processed.

1.5 Sharing with Authorized Partners: To achieve the purposes stated in this Privacy Policy only, some of our services will be provided jointly by us and our authorized partners. We may share some of your personal information with our partners in order to provide better customer service and user experience. We will only share your user information for purposes that are legal, legitimate, necessary, specific, and explicit, and only as much user information as is necessary to provide the services. Our partners do not have the right to use the shared user information for any other purpose.

Currently, our authorized partners include the following types: suppliers, service providers and other partners. We send information to suppliers, service providers and other partners who support our business by providing basic technical services, providing customer service, consulting, analysis and other professional services.

For companies, organizations and individuals with whom we share user information, we enter into strict data privacy agreements requiring them to handle personal information in accordance with our instructions, this Privacy Policy and any other relevant confidentiality and security measures.

(2) Transfer

We will not transfer your personal information to any company, organization or individual, except for the following.

2.1 Obtain your prior express consent or authorization.

2.2 Provided in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations, the requirements of legal proceedings, and mandatory administrative or judicial requirements as necessary.

2.3 In accordance with the relevant agreements signed with you (including the online signed electronic agreement and the corresponding platform rules) or other legal documents agreed to be provided.

2.4 In the event of a merger, acquisition, transfer of assets or similar transaction involving the transfer of personal information, we will require the new company or organization holding your personal information to continue to be bound by this Privacy Policy, otherwise we will require the company or organization to seek your authorized consent again.

(3) Public disclosure

We will only publicly disclose your personal information if we take security measures that are consistent with industry standards and if:

3.1 To disclose personal information specified by you in accordance with your needs and in the manner of disclosure expressly agreed by you.

3.2 If we are required to provide your personal information by law, regulation, mandatory administrative enforcement or judicial requirements, we may publicly disclose your personal information based on the type of personal information requested and the manner of disclosure. Subject to laws and regulations, when we receive a request for such disclosure, we will require that a legal document, such as a subpoena or letter of inquiry, must be produced in response. We strongly believe in being as transparent as possible about the information we are asked to provide, to the extent permitted by law. We carefully review all requests to ensure that they have a legitimate basis and are limited to data that law enforcement has a legitimate right to obtain for specific investigative purposes. To the extent permitted by law or regulation, the documents we disclose are protected by encryption keys.

(4) Exceptions for sharing, transferring, and publicly disclosing personal information with prior authorized consent

Your prior authorized consent is not required for the sharing, transfer, or public disclosure of your personal information in the following circumstances.

4.1 In connection with the performance of our obligations under laws and regulations.

4.2 Related to national security, national defense security.

4.3 Related to public safety, public health, significant public interest.

4.4 Related to crime investigation, prosecution, trial and sentence enforcement, etc.

4.5 For the protection of your or other individuals' life, property and other significant legitimate rights and interests but it is difficult to get my consent.

4.6 Personal information that you disclose to the public on your own.

4.7 Collection of personal information from legitimate public disclosures, such as legitimate news reports, government information disclosure and other channels.

According to the law, sharing or transferring personal information that has been de-identified and ensuring that the recipient of the data cannot recover and re-identify the subject of the personal information is not an act of sharing, transferring or publicly disclosing personal information to the public, and the storage and processing of such data will not require separate notification to you and your consent.

  1. How we protect your personal information security

(1) We take the security of your information very seriously. We have implemented reasonable and practicable security measures in accordance with industry standards to protect your information from unauthorized access, public disclosure, use, modification, damage or loss. For example, the exchange of data between your browser and our servers is protected by encryption over the SSL protocol; we also provide secure browsing over the HTTPS protocol on the Platform; we use encryption technology to enhance the security of personal information; we use trusted protection mechanisms to prevent malicious attacks on personal information; we deploy access control mechanisms to ensure that only authorized personnel have access to We will use trusted protection mechanisms to prevent malicious attacks on personal information; we will deploy access control mechanisms to ensure that only authorized personnel have access to personal information; and we will hold security and privacy training courses to enhance employee awareness of the importance of protecting personal information.

(2) We have an industry-advanced data security management system that focuses on data and revolves around the data life cycle, and improves the security of the entire system in multiple dimensions, including organizational construction,

Jun 14, 2024 16:01:18