Terms of service

Find.ly User Agreement

Welcome to Find.ly!

Thank you for using Find.ly, a content-sharing platform that allows creators to share the latest and most relevant content with their audience. One of our core values is simplicity, so we strive to keep our terms and conditions easy to understand.

1. Welcome to Find.ly

These terms (hereinafter referred to as "Terms") and the linked policies govern your use of our services, including the website (https://find.ly/), applications, and related software or features (collectively referred to as "Platform" or "Find.ly"). When we use terms like "we," "our," or "our company," it refers to Find.ly and its affiliates. By using Find.ly, you agree to these Terms and the additional policies. If you do not agree to these Terms, please do not use Find.ly.

2. Changes to the Terms

Find.ly is constantly evolving and improving, and we may occasionally change the Platform or these Terms. We may change these Terms at any time for business updates, Platform changes (including discontinuing certain features or parts of the Platform), legal or business reasons, or other legitimate interests. Changes will take effect immediately, and you are responsible for periodically reviewing these Terms.

If changes have a significant negative impact on you, we will endeavor to notify you at least one month in advance (e.g., via a Platform notice). If you continue to use the Platform after the changes, you are deemed to have accepted the revised Terms. If you do not agree to the changes, please stop using Find.ly and cancel your account.

3. Your Account

To create an account and become a Find.ly user, you must be at least 18 years old. If you are creating an account on behalf of someone else, you must have their permission. You are responsible for your account and ensuring its lawful use. By creating an account, you agree to comply with these Terms, and you confirm that you are at least 18 years old and have the legal capacity to enter into these Terms with us. You must provide accurate information and notify us of any changes promptly.

If you are using Find.ly on behalf of a business or another individual, you confirm that you have the authority to agree to these Terms on their behalf. You are responsible for all activities under your account, so keep your login information and password secure and do not share them with others. If you believe your account has been compromised, contact us immediately. You may not transfer your account to others or use it in any way that could harm Find.ly or our reputation.

4. Your Username

When creating a Find.ly account, you need to choose an appropriate username that respects the rights of others. Usernames must be suitable for all users and avoid infringing on others' rights, including intellectual property rights (such as copyrights and trademarks). You may not use others' names (such as celebrities or brands) or choose inappropriate usernames intending to profit from them (i.e., "domain squatting").

If there is an issue with a username, we will fairly assess the situation and may ask you to change it. If you refuse, we may suspend or terminate your account. If someone claims that your username infringes on their intellectual property, they must submit an intellectual property report, and you will have the opportunity to respond through a counter-notice. If your account has not logged in, added new links, or received traffic in the past six months, we may reclaim or reassign your username (but we will contact you first).

**5. Managing Your Plan**

You can sign up for free or paid Find.ly plans and cancel at any time. Plans begin when you accept these Terms and continue until you cancel.

**6. Your Content**

We love the variety of content users post on Find.ly! However, to ensure a safe experience for all users, we have established community standards. These standards outline what is and is not allowed on Find.ly, so please adhere to them, or we may suspend or permanently delete your account.

When we refer to your "content," we mean the text, graphics, videos, links, products, and any other materials you add to your Find.ly profile. You are responsible for your content and guarantee that:

- The content you post is yours, or if you use third-party materials, you have the necessary rights to share them on Find.ly (and allow us to use them according to these Terms).

- Your content does not infringe on others' privacy, publicity rights, intellectual property, or any other rights.

- Your content is accurate and honest: it should not be misleading, deceptive, or violate any laws, nor should it harm our reputation.

- Your content does not contain harmful elements, such as viruses or destructive code that could damage the Platform or other systems.

- Your content does not include automated collection tools: do not use scripts or scraping tools to collect profile or Platform information.

- You will avoid posting unauthorized advertisements, solicitations, or endorsements on Find.ly.

- Your content complies with our community standards.

Because the laws and regulations of the countries we operate in may vary, we may prohibit content that is legal in some regions but not in others. We reserve the right to take appropriate measures to ensure Find.ly's safety, including removing content or restricting access.

7. Our Use of Your Content

We love your content and want to showcase it. When you post content on your Find.ly profile, you grant us a license to use, publicly display, distribute, modify, adapt, and create derivative works from it on the Platform and in our marketing; and to use your name, image, voice, photo, likeness, and any other personal attributes. This license is worldwide, royalty-free, and perpetual, meaning we can use your content globally without paying fees and can use it indefinitely. You agree that you have all third-party rights necessary to post the content and grant us this license.

You retain all rights to your content. Remember, your content will be publicly visible and may be reshared on Find.ly and the internet.

Do not share personal information on Find.ly that you do not want to be public. Never post social security numbers, passport details, or similar information that could cause harm if misused. Only post others' personal information with their consent and keep a record of it. We are not obligated to monitor the accuracy, reliability, or legality of your content, but we may choose to do so.

We may modify, delete, or restrict access to content at any time according to these Terms, or apply a sensitive content warning to content we deem unsuitable for all audiences.

8. Content Monetization

You may be enrolled in Find.ly's monetization program or gain access to some monetization features. If so, we will notify you via email or other agreed communication methods.

**Geolocation:** To be eligible for monetization features, you must reside in an eligible country. If you move out of an eligible country, your access may be revoked.

**Email Verification:** You must verify your email address with Find.ly to access monetization features.

**Good Standing:** If your account is found to violate these Terms, our community standards, or other policies, Find.ly may restrict your access to or eligibility for monetization features.

**Commissions:** Find.ly may negotiate with brands or merchants to offer certain commission rates for products sold through Find.ly. Rates are subject to change at any time. Real-time rates will be displayed on your Find.ly dashboard. If Find.ly fixes your commission rate for a period, we will notify you. If you use Find.ly to independently advertise, promote, or sell products belonging to third-party affiliate programs (e.g., you add products directly to your shop and are signed up for a third-party affiliate program), Find.ly is not responsible for paying those commissions or your relationship with third-party affiliate networks.

**Commission Disclosure:** If you earn commissions from affiliate links or transactions, you are legally obligated to disclose this information to consumers. If Find.ly also earns commissions, we will ensure disclosure. You agree to comply with all legal requirements for commission disclosure in your region. If Find.ly helps facilitate this disclosure (e.g., displaying a "commissionable link" banner on your profile), you agree not to take any action to remove or otherwise disable or obscure this disclosure feature. You must not upload any content that causes confusion about your commission status or Find.ly's commission status. If you fail to comply with local legal requirements, Find.ly is not responsible for any losses you incur.

**Paid Partnership Disclosure:** If you advertise products or services as part of a partnership arrangement with a third party, you must comply with all legal requirements to disclose that partnership to consumers. If Find.ly helps facilitate this disclosure (e.g., displaying a "paid partnership" banner on your profile), you agree not to take any action to remove or otherwise disable or obscure this disclosure feature. If you fail to comply with local legal requirements, Find.ly is not responsible for any losses you incur.

**Gifts:** If you advertise, promote, or sell products or services that were gifted to you, and your region requires disclosure of that information, you agree to comply with all applicable legal requirements. If you fail to comply with local legal requirements, Find.ly is not responsible for any losses you incur.

**Payments:** Find.ly will pay available funds earned through commission activities via Find.ly's monetization partners on a monthly basis—we will notify you of any changes to the payment schedule. In these Terms, "available funds" refers to confirmed commissions paid to Find.ly by the affiliate network through the Find.ly monetization program, minus any fees. Any unconfirmed transactions will be displayed as "pending commissions" in your Find.ly dashboard. Commissions are confirmed when a transaction is final and cannot be reversed. You may need to set up or connect a third-party payment provider account to use monetization features (e.g., Stripe, PayPal). The use of that account is subject to separate terms and conditions, which constitute your agreement with the payment provider. Confirmed commissions will only be paid to your connected account after you complete the payment provider's KYC (know your customer) process. If Find.ly terminates your participation in the monetization program or access to monetization features, or deletes your Find.ly account, or if you terminate your account, all confirmed commissions up to the termination date will be paid to your connected account. All unconfirmed commissions up to the termination date may be forfeited.

**9. Suspending or Cancelling Your Account**

If you do not comply with these Terms, community standards, or any other linked policies, we may need to suspend or cancel your account, take other measures on your account, or adjust how the Platform works for you. For example, if you fail to pay fees on time, we may switch your paid plan to a less-featured free plan. If you misuse the Linker monetization features, we may remove your access to these features.

The steps we take depend on the nature of the non-compliance. In some cases, we may not suspend or cancel your account. However, if there are repeated or serious non-compliance issues, we are more likely to consider these measures. If we do suspend or cancel your account, we will usually notify you in advance, although we are not obligated to do so.

Please note that you will not receive any refunds for prepaid fees. We are not responsible for any content lost due to account suspension, cancellation, or downgrade to a free account (including the loss of features you previously had under a paid account).

If you believe your account was wrongfully canceled, or you encounter issues with these Terms or the Platform, please contact us at support@find.ly. We are committed to resolving issues in good faith, and neither party will initiate legal proceedings until we have spent at least one month trying to resolve the issue together.

10. Your Responsibilities to Visitors and Customers

You are responsible for your profile visitors, including customers who purchase goods or services through your Find.ly, collectively referred to as "end users." You are fully responsible for (i) how end users interact with your profile and content, and (ii) ensuring compliance with all applicable laws, particularly those involving end users and transactions through your Find.ly (e.g., through our "Commerce" or "Paywall" features). Find.ly is not responsible for any products or services advertised or sold through Find.ly.

Additionally, you acknowledge that any donations received through our "Support Me" feature are voluntary, with no expectation of receiving goods or services in return. This feature should only be used for personal donation collection, not for fundraising for charities or other causes.

11. Feedback

We love hearing your ideas on how to improve Find.ly! Sometimes, we may provide "beta" features and seek your feedback. Remember, if you share feedback with us, we can use it freely without paying you (or not use it at all). We may occasionally offer "beta" (or similar versions) of certain Platform features.

You acknowledge that we are still evaluating and testing such beta features, and they may not be as reliable as other parts of the Platform.

12. Our Platform

As the owner of the Platform, we grant you limited usage rights to share content and interact with other users' content. However, please note that we are not responsible for any content, products, or services provided through other users' profiles. All rights related to the Platform, including intellectual property (Find.ly IP), are exclusively owned by Find.ly or our licensors. You do not acquire any rights to Find.ly IP, and you may not use it, including our brand name or logo, to imply cooperation or endorsement by Find.ly without our prior written approval.

As a user, we grant you a limited, revocable, non-exclusive, non-transferable right to create, display, use, play, and upload content according to these Terms.

If we provide you with images, icons, themes, fonts, videos, graphics, or other content, use them only in your profile and follow any guidelines we provide. Do not remove, hide, or alter any proprietary notices or trademarks on the Platform. Copying, reproducing, distributing, licensing, selling, reselling, modifying, translating, decompiling, decrypting, reverse engineering, or attempting to derive the source code of the Platform or any part of it is strictly prohibited.

When you visit Find.ly profiles as a "profile visitor," we grant you a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable right to view and interact with the Platform through user profiles. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we are not responsible for any opinions, advice, statements, products, services, offers, or other content posted by other users on their profiles.

13. Disclaimers and Liability Limitations

The Platform is provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis. We make no warranties of any kind, including but not limited to merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, or the continuous availability of the Platform. We do not guarantee that the Platform or any part of it will be error-free, virus-free, or free of other harmful components.

To the fullest extent permitted by law, Find.ly and its affiliates, directors, officers, employees, agents, suppliers, or licensors are not liable for any indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or punitive damages, including but not limited to lost profits, data loss, goodwill loss, or other intangible losses, even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damages.

Our total liability, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), or otherwise, does not exceed the total fees you paid during the twelve-month period preceding the claim.

14. Dispute Resolution

If you have any disputes regarding these Terms or the Platform, first contact us at service@find.ly. We will strive to resolve the issue in good faith. If we cannot resolve the dispute within three months, you agree to binding arbitration rather than resolving the dispute in court. Arbitration will be conducted in your country or another location we agree upon.

15. Other Terms

**Entire Agreement:**

These Terms and any other legal notices or policies constitute the entire agreement between you and Find.ly, superseding all prior agreements, written or oral.


If any part of these Terms is found to be invalid or unenforceable, that part will be deemed separate from the Terms, and the remaining parts will continue in effect.


If we fail to enforce any part of these Terms, it should not be considered a waiver of our right to enforce that part in the future.


You may not assign or transfer these Terms or any rights or obligations under them without our prior written consent.

16. Contact Us

If you have any questions about these Terms, please contact us at:

Email: service@find.ly

Thank you for using Find.ly! We look forward to seeing the amazing content you share on the Platform.

Jun 19, 2024 12:08:32